Saturday, June 5, 2010

Poetry For The Beat Generation

So, on a whim, I began to read Kerouac's The Dharma Bums for the third time at work today, out of the mindless boredom I faced without needy customers. Kerouac always gets me thinking in a certain, special way with his energetic descriptions and friendly witticisms. It had been awhile and his words excited me to the point where I found myself browsing around for other Kerouac artifacts online. And so to be brief, I stumpled upon this late 50's recording of Kerouac reciting his poetry over the piano accompaniment from Steve Allen. Although Kerouac sounds rather monotone and gives no effort in playing off the notes that Allen puts forth, his words carry themselves and the listen is certainly well worth the time. Enjoy!

(fyi: you will need to use the free softwares WinRAR or Winzip to open these files once they download)

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